

Nic Carter: Bitcoin Disrupts Our Politicized Financial Infrastructure. Nic Carter is a Bitcoiner with a financial and philosophical background. I wanted to have him on the show for a long time., one of the biggest Bitcoin iGaming websites in the world, has chosen FUN as the designated token for its Premium Membership Program. has over 41 million registered users. It is a simple and rewarding crypto-gaming platform that is dedicated towards promoting and facilitating cryptocurrency adoption through innovative B itcoin has risen from obscurity to one of the most talked about technologies. In the past year, Bitcoin has risen from $600 per coin to $6,000, a 10x increase.

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Charles talks about ETH VS ADA, Bitcoin vs Bitcoin Cash, the upcoming Shelley upgrade, why Shelley took so long to develop, obstacles ahead for Cardano governance, how Cardano intends to scale to billions of people globally, how crypto brings equality to the people, how he stays sane as a public figure, and their upcoming conference on July 2-3.

Grant Williams: Before we begin, I have an announcement to make regarding the future of this podcast. Beginning February 1st, The Grant Williams Podcast will become part of the copper membership tier of my new website, Follow Altcoin Daily: your crypto with a Ledger - the world’s best hardware wallet: ht TOP 10 Free Bitcoin Games with highest payout to Earn Bitcoin by Playing Games . Click and discover how to earn BTC for free just by having fun! Los Angeles, California About Podcast Crypto Token Talk is a podcast by host Kelley Weaver that explores the new frontier of blockchain technology.

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